Therapy for Boundaries
Boundaries are often times difficult for those of us who would identify as a caregiver or people pleaser. You want to be helpful. You want to be liked! You may even feel as if you don’t have a choice in having boundaries. I’m here to offer a different perspective and propose that having solid boundaries would actually allow for you to be the most caring and likable version of yourself.
Therapy for Codependency
Finding yourself consumed with the caretaking of others, or habits of people pleasing are often traits of a codependent person. Feeling the weight and fear of what might happen if you don’t continue these behaviors are taxing and stressful. Therapy can help you begin to live life in a way that isn’t ruled by fear of another person’s choices.
Therapy for Adult Children of Alcoholics
Growing up in a home with an alcoholic parent tends to foster the growth of codependent or enabling relationships Here, a parentified child grows up to be an Adult Child of an Alcoholic. You are not alone in your experiences from childhood or now as an adult. Therapy can help you resolve the shame and guilt you battle on daily basis.
Therapy for Anxiety
Anxiety can be all consuming and leave you with a sense of powerlessness, frozen in fear. You may have trouble concentrating or thinking about anything else besides the present worry. It can interrupt your sleep, change your appetite, leaving you constantly on edge. You don’t have to suffer through your anxiety alone. Therapy can help relieve the intensity of anxiety, identify the root causes, and provide support and coping skills to make life feel more manageable.